Coptic Voice Radio

What's this service about?

Brought to you by the Coptic Diocese of Sydney and its Affiliated Regions, Coptic Voice Radio airs every Saturday from 2:00-3:00pm on 98.5FM. Fr Shenouda Mansour is the regular host and features weekly guest speakers. Through God's grace, the show is coming into its 5th year of production :)

Please pray that God may guide the show according to His will

Coptic Voice Podcasts are available via iPhone App Store's Podcasts App and via Stitcher from the Play Store on Android Smart Phones and directly with Windows® Podcast apps.

When do we meet up?

Coptic Voice Radio
Every Saturday from 2:00pm to 3:00pm

Tune in to 98.5FM from 2:00-3:00pm :)

Please keep this service in your prayers

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