Pope Kyrollos Fellowship - PKF

Previous Featured Events

Monthly Meeting

Friday 4th July, 2014

Prayer, love and demons

Bethany Kaldas
Friday 7th August, 2020

Beginning To Pray

Friday 9th October, 2020

Christianity in Action

Tasony Dalia Kaldas
Friday 4th December, 2020

A Life with God

Friday 1st October, 2021

Come meet your neighbour

Friday 24th March, 2023


Saturday 8th April, 2023

Fellowship Dinner

Friday 5th May, 2023

Birthing Kit Packing Night

Friday 2nd June, 2023

PKF Games Night!!!

Friday 8th September, 2023

Operation Christmas Child - Shoeboxes!

Friday 6th October, 2023

PKF is dining with the Abanobians

Friday 3rd November, 2023

Prayer Visual for Peace

Friday 8th December, 2023

Passion Week Prep

3 months ago 8:30pm to 3 months ago 10:00pm


Friday 5th July

Upcoming events

Youth Meeting
Fri 2nd Aug 8:00pm to 10:00pm

Previous events

Friday 5th July
Youth Meeting
Friday 5th July